It’s that time of year, and we all know writers can be hard to shop for. We’re all in our heads most the time, and our chosen art doesn’t require much in the way of supplies, so what on earth does one buy for a writer friend?
Well, here are six things I’ve come across lately that I would be thrilled to get. (And just for the record, I’m not an affiliate for any of these. I haven’t been paid in any way to promote them. I just think they would make great gifts.)
1. Books
Duh. If your writer friend doesn’t have a public wish list somewhere, like on GoodReads or something, then I highly suggest a gift certificate to their local brick-and-mortar book store.
2. A Subscription to The Alignist
This monthly subscription service prepares boxes that include a book along with a collection of items to immerse us in the experience of the book and help us, as readers, better understand the context of a story, and by association, the world we live in. The company’s goal is to “bring works of literature into conversation with current events in an effort to locate the Truth amid the facts.” How cool is that? Subscriptions are $30 or $60 a month.
3. Wearable Words
I’ve been pining for one of these Storiarts scarves for a while now. The fingerless gloves are also super cool. Trouble is, it just doesn’t get cold enough in LA that I would ever really get to use them all that much. But if you have a writer friend living in a cold climate, definitely give these a look.
4. Literary Tattoos
These fake tattoos are sold in packs by title, from Sherlock Holmes to Jayne Eyre. Each pack has a selection of quotes that your favorite book lover can wear for a week or so. I got a pack last year for Christmas and LOVED them. You can find them at a lot of smaller, local bookstores, or you can buy them online at
5. A Really Nice Journal
If you have a friend who writes long hand, or is big on journaling, the notebooks sold by Nanami Paper are THE BEST. The pages are super thin, so a normal sized journal can hold more pages than three of your basic Moleskine-style books. And the pages have the nicest feel, so light and delicate. They absorb ink really well, so you don’t get a lot of smudging. They’re just really nice. Pair one (I like the “WRITER A5”) with a nice cover and you have a top-notch gift on your hands.
6. A Handmade Trinket From Etsy
Search for “literary” and you’ll get a whole bunch of gifts with seriously cute, even beautiful, handmade gifts. This little necklace (which I love) is just one example. There are a lot of options. And it feels nice to support other artists, especially this time of year.
So there you have it. Six suggestions for good literary gifts. Is there something that’s been on your wish list? Add it in the comments below.
Happy Holidays!
Iceland has a tradition called Jolabokaflod or “The Christmas Book Flood.” Books are exchanged on Christmas Eve. They than spend the rest of the night reading them and eating chocolate. Not only do we need to look over your list we need to adopt their custom. 🙂