I had lunch with a writer friend the other day and, as we do, we started talking about books. She asked what I’d been reading. I told her I had just finished The Ship of Magic and was half way through Fun Home, then added, jokingly, that then there were a few others, the ones I don’t post on GoodReads.
She laughed at the designation and proceeded to tell me about a beach read that she didn’t post, afraid that it was too fluffy to admit to reading. It was there I had to stop her because I realized we had totally different ideas of what falls under the heading of: Books I Don’t Post on GoodReads.
I have actually never refrained from posting something because of it’s genre. As writers, it’s our job to read. A lot. Of everything. I read literary fiction, yes, but I also love romance, mystery, sci-fi, fantasy, graphic novels, etc… You name it. I’ve read the Twilight series twice. That’s right. I said it. I don’t believe in guilty pleasures when it comes to books.
The books I don’t post on GoodReads are the ones whose titles tell the world too much about my personal life. Say, for instance, I was reading a book with a title like “Talking to Your Kids About Sex,” I kinda feel like it’s nobody’s business how I parent. That (hypothetical) book is one I would not post to GoodReads.
I also read a lot of books about how to teach meditation and how to be a better writing coach. I don’t post those out of pure vanity. I really would prefer my students/clients think I’m just magically good at what I do and that all the latest research on mindfulness just floats into my brain while I’m sleeping. Isn’t that a lovely image?
Anyway, I was curious – do you have books you don’t post to GoodReads? If so, what kind of book titles to do you keep to yourself?
I admire your honesty in saying you won’t post your learning material on Goodreads so that you’d magically appear more… magical, lol.
I myself don’t have any qualms on listing whatever I read since nobody I know in real life follows me there. And that works as a great tracker for future me. I just enjoy looking back and seeing my progress through books.
Anyway, thanks for this post!
That’s such a good point. I only know a couple of my GoodReads “friends” IRL, but somehow that’s enough for me to feel shy… In reality, I’m pretty sure no one is looking.