I’ve been thinking a lot about descriptive writing lately.
Since I’ve culled the feedback from my beta readers and am making a final pass on my manuscript, I am making a real attempt to look at my sentences with a fresh and honest eye. Do they really say what I mean them to say? Are the words I’ve chosen the very best ones for the task? Am I showing or telling?
So when I came across this video titled “How to Write Descriptively,” by Nalo Hopkinson (produced by TED-Ed), I had to give it a view. I’m so glad I did. It is, by far, the best summary I’ve heard on how (and why) to use descriptive writing in prose. And in under 5 minutes!
I started pulling quotes from it to share, but there are just too many. I’ll just let you watch and soak up all the goodness on your own. Enjoy…
Articles like this really grease the shafts of knldweoge.