I’m in Culver City today, working at a co-working facility called Blank Spaces. I love their slogan: Work for yourself, not by yourself. Anyway, popped out for lunch at Chipotle (I love me some lunch burrito) and I was surprised, once again, and just how NICE Culver City is these days.
I mean, it’s not that I ever thought of it as not nice, but when I was in college and had some friends living out this way it was just another part of the city. A little grimy, a lot trafficy. But they’ve declared this part of town the Arts District, installed fountains and lots of parking, sectioned off a lane of road on each side for bikes. It’s lovely.
Great work, Culver City.
But, traffic is a mess now, with all those closed street lines.
I can see how that would be annoying. I didn’t have to drive much while I was there.