Okay, this is not a great photo, but I’ve been dying to share the news that a hummingbird has built a teeny tiny nest in the light fixture outside my office window. I’m calling her Claire. She flits in an out of her little home all day, zipping through my peripheral vision. She’s a wonderful distraction. I wanted to get a better photo, but even more than that I didn’t want to scare her, so this is what I got.
My son (whose authority on these things I don’t question) tells me it take about 2 weeks for baby hummingbirds to hatch. She’s been out there for over week now, so I’m guessing the babies are due any day. I keep thinking I’ll hear some peeps or something, but then, hummingbirds don’t sound like other birds, do they? So I keep craning to try and see up over the lip of the nest. No sign of babies yet.
I’ll keep you posted.
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