This year, instead of formal goals for the new year, I’m going with two words: LEVEL UP. It’s more of an intention than a goal.
Right View for Better Editing
Right View is about about seeing things as they are, not as we wish or imagine them to be. When we apply it to our editing process, we produce better prose.
Your Story Matters
That feeling we all get sometimes when we’re writing, that little voice that tells us that it doesn’t matter, that we should just stop…
On Mastery
There is no mastery here. Only a blind groping toward happiness with the best of intentions. May we always be learning.
The Terrifying Joy of Trying to Decide What’s Next
I was out in my garden last weekend. It’s just a little strip of land below the window of my home office where I like to grow things. I have […]
The Title Hunt Continues
Yes, I am STILL trying to figure out a title for my new book. It’s getting down to the wire here, people. Today I’m trying an exercise suggested by a […]
Book Mail
I’m such a suckers for books on writing. These two just arrived in the mail and I can’t wait to dive in.