It was a great week. If you follow my Facebook page you were privy to the final count down as I wrote the last pages of my Northern California book. […]
Today is the Day
I just put a bottle of champagne in the fridge for tonight. With any luck I will finish the last four pages of my Northern California book today! I’m so […]
Final Countdown
My apologies to anyone who is getting tired of hearing about the Northern California book, but I’m so close to finishing I can almost taste it. Tastes like cookies. I have twelve […]
Best Books of 2011?
I read a lot. I believe it’s part of a writer’s job, so much so that I consider sitting around reading a legitimate day of work (when I don’t have actual deadlines […]
Goals for 2012
It’s that time of year again. The joggers are out in force. Liquor sales drop. And us writer types set goals for all the wonderful prose we will produce in […]
Back To It
December was pretty much a wash. Between travel and holidays with family, I did very little writing. My 100 days of writing challenge kind of went out the window. I […]
Back In the States
We’re back. Actually, we (the kids and I) got back from Indonesia on the 13th. I took a couple days to unpack, wash everything and repack for a trip to […]