On January 29th I declared that I was going to write every day for the rest of my life. In the name of being honest, I feel I need to share the fact that my resolution lasted about four days.
OstrichLand USA
Often, when I tell people in Los Angeles that I’m working on a novel set on a ostrich farm, they ask me if I have been to the place up in Santa Barbara. Well, up until today, I hadn’t.
Getting The “Was” Out
I’m obsessed. And not with something normal, like Downton Abbey, or salted caramel ice cream. No, I have turned totally crazy over the word “was.”
Dirty Jobs, OK Corral Style
It occurred to me recently that I haven’t really shared much of my research for this novel that I’m working so hard on, and that is a crazy shame, because ostriches are awesome.
I’m Not The Same Writer I Was In August
Instead of pushing myself as a writer who can and will write anything (which you have to do when you’re living the freelance life), I’m going to revamp my site to reflect what I really am now – a full time working mom and wife who takes advantage of every free minute to try to finish her novel and get it published.
Branding As A Way Of Life
A few weeks ago I received an email from a science fiction writer friend named Amy Sterling Casil. We are both alumnae of Scripps College and we met a couple […]
What’s Earlier Than Eearly?
I have a new writing partner. He’s only two, and he actually doesn’t write at all, but since he insists on waking up at 4:45 in the damn morning, we’re sharing the predawn hours, just us too.