Half of Americans dream of writing a novel, but only a small percentage will ever get through a draft. Stop dreaming and get writing!
You Have to Ask
It can be scary to ask for things, no doubt, but you have to get over it. Take a deep breath and ask for what you want. Straight forward and unmistakable. Just ask.
How to Handle Rejection
If you’re not getting rejected, you’re not putting yourself out there enough. Here’s how to handle rejection like a grown up.
The Science of Reading for Inspiration
Inspiration is in the simple, transformative act of reading itself. It doesn’t matter what you read; the key is to just keep reading.
Dealing with Overwhelm
When faced with a seemingly insurmountable task of transforming thoughts into words, the mind can get stuck in overwhelm.
Remind Us What Your Character Looks Like
The more characters you have, the more important it is to remind us what they look like. It’s not enough to tell us once.
The Importance of Story Structure
Forget the Hero’s Journey, in my experience, there’s so much more to story structure. it’s much more about HOW you tell the story.