Inspiration is in the simple, transformative act of reading itself. It doesn’t matter what you read; the key is to just keep reading.
Dealing with Overwhelm
When faced with a seemingly insurmountable task of transforming thoughts into words, the mind can get stuck in overwhelm.
Remind Us What Your Character Looks Like
The more characters you have, the more important it is to remind us what they look like. It’s not enough to tell us once.
The Importance of Story Structure
Forget the Hero’s Journey, in my experience, there’s so much more to story structure. it’s much more about HOW you tell the story.
How to Turn Your Half-Finished Novel into a Completed Manuscript
I’m offering a series of free webinars called How to Turn Your Half-Finished Novel into a Completed Manuscript.
Please Don’t Send Your NaNoWriMo Manuscript to Agents
Apparently there is a whole contingent out there who send their NaNoWriMo Manuscript to agents starting December 1. WTF? Seriously.
Lessons in Specificity From “Less”
What can we, as writers, glean from Greer’s masterful use of descriptive language? The answer lies in specificity.