I'm back! Back in LA, back to my blogging, back to working on my novel, back, back, back. Let me get you up to speed on what happened over the last month. First of all, and most important, the little guy has basically been given a clean bill of … [Continue reading] about Back In LA
I’m Taking A Few Weeks For The Fam
Hello wonderful readers. If you've been following along you know I've been kind of stressed by life lately. Sadly, knowing that my blog is sitting here waiting for me to post only adds to my stress. So I'm taking a short hiatus. It's time right now … [Continue reading] about I’m Taking A Few Weeks For The Fam
Keep On Keepin’ On
Instead of writing this morning, I nursed, then made a bottle and spent about forty minutes trying to get the (too) little guy to eat more, then I pumped (yeah!) and then while he napped I called to get test results on his liver functions (not in … [Continue reading] about Keep On Keepin’ On
He’s Little, But Sooooo Cute
I had to take the little guy in for more blood tests on Wednesday. I feel like I've said this before, but hopefully that will be the last time. I should get the results today, and if his liver enzymes are doing what they're supposed to, we should be … [Continue reading] about He’s Little, But Sooooo Cute
Confessions Of A Tech Nerd
It was only about four years ago that I didn't blog, didn't have a website, and assumed that tweeting was something you did late in the evening, usually at a club. Then a friend (Brian McGakin - whose book, "Broetry," is coming out any day now) … [Continue reading] about Confessions Of A Tech Nerd
Missing The Novel
My friend asked me yesterday how my novel is coming. I told her it's on hold, with what I hope sounded like breezy nonchalance. It is on hold. For babies, and paid work, and launching the new Digging Deep site (any day now - so excited), the passion … [Continue reading] about Missing The Novel
I Got My Card
Two weeks ago I blogged about officially being a member of the National Writer's Union, and made a snarky comment about how I didn't get a card to carry. Well BLAH to me. My card arrived today in the mail! Here's a not-so-good photo of it that I … [Continue reading] about I Got My Card