I wouldn't describe myself as cheap, so much as frugal (I think, in this economy, "frugal" has come to encompass a wider range penny pinching than it did in say 2004). So when I decided a few years ago to invest in a resource I think all writers need … [Continue reading] about Grammar Geeks Rejoice
A Deep Respect for Democracy
I've been getting a lot of questions lately about how Daniel's doing. I'm thrilled to report his recovery continues to fall under the heading of "amazing." His surgery was on June 7th, and yesterday (July 15) we went hiking. Hiking! We haven't done … [Continue reading] about A Deep Respect for Democracy
Phone Phreak
Have you ever had the experience of talking with someone on the phone, and you both try to talk at once, and then you both stop to let the other one talk, and then there's a weird pause before you both say "sorry, you go," and things continue on like … [Continue reading] about Phone Phreak
Writing Against Injustice
Words can be powerful things. They can also amount to a sneeze - possibly infectious, but ultimately forgotten in a minute. This is where my frustration with writing comes in. Let me back up. A few months ago I got a bullsh*t parking ticket. It … [Continue reading] about Writing Against Injustice
My Day Job
One of my (cooler) clients asked me, hypothetically, if they were to hire me on as an employee, what would I be looking to make as a salary. For a simple question, it had my head in a bit of bind. I love working freelance, for the schedule … [Continue reading] about My Day Job
I get paid to be nosey.
I'm very excited to announce that an article I wrote about my uncles went live today on the BETA Magazine website. It's titled "You, Me, and the Virus Makes Three: Serodiscordant Relationships in the 21st Century." For the word nerds - … [Continue reading] about I get paid to be nosey.
Wonders of Modern Medicine
Daniel went in for surgery Thursday morning. He was under the knife for 5 hours while they fused his lumbar vertebrae, cutting into him from both the front and the back. I finally got to see him around 2pm, and he was very groggy from the … [Continue reading] about Wonders of Modern Medicine