So here it is, my whole novel, laid out scene by scene. Don't bother trying to enlarge the image to steal all my fabulous, mind-blowing ideas. Even if we lived on the Starship Enterprise, where simply saying the word "enhance" would make it all … [Continue reading] about Card by Card
Goals, past and present.
I've been blogging long enough now that I am able to use this site as a record of my life. Sometimes I need or want to look back over the novels I've read (check out my bookshelf in the right-hand column there if you're curious), other times I want … [Continue reading] about Goals, past and present.
Writing: Better Than The End Of The World
Okay, I will admit to kind of, sort of, maybe just a little bit being disappointed by the lack of apocalypse on Friday. It wasn't so much that I wanted the world to end, it was more that I was ready for a little hell to break loose. I even went … [Continue reading] about Writing: Better Than The End Of The World
This 5 a.m. Thing Is Catching On
I was talking to a dear old friend of mine this last weekend. He was staying at our place while he and Daniel took some time to work on a screenplay together. They've been collaborators for years. Anyway, we were talking about where he would sleep … [Continue reading] about This 5 a.m. Thing Is Catching On
What My Characters Drive
I spent the wee hours this morning figuring out what cars my characters all drive. It seems like a silly thing. I almost felt like I was wasting precious writing time, browsing the internet for images of various cars, but the truth is, these little … [Continue reading] about What My Characters Drive
Developing My Platform
I need to publish more short fiction. Everyone is always saying that you need to get published in literary journals if you want to prove to potential agents/publishers/audiences that you are worth reading. You have to build your platform. This is … [Continue reading] about Developing My Platform
Feeling the Fitness
On Thanksgiving I sat down, after the craziness of the day had passed, and took advantage of a quiet moment to write our family’s holiday card – you know, the letter that will be tucked in with the cute little card of the kids doing fun stuff over … [Continue reading] about Feeling the Fitness