I have a question. I was at a doctor appointment (my GP) last week and happened to mention that I was feeling tense, stressed. I have a lot shit going on. I worked a 15-hour day yesterday, all in. Between family, and work, and writing, and exercise. … [Continue reading] about Of Wine and Zoloft
Time I Could Have Spent Writing
I'm applying for a writer residency program. It's one of those magical opportunities you hear about as a writer - two weeks in a private cabin, all meals prepared for you, totally free of cost. I mean really. Who gets to do that kind of … [Continue reading] about Time I Could Have Spent Writing
Separation of Truth and Fact
On Sunday I was super lucky to attend an event hosted by my former thesis advisor Gina Nahai. It seems that back in July when the book Zealot was released, Gina and her husband, in support of the Los Angeles Review of Books, hosted an event to … [Continue reading] about Separation of Truth and Fact
Notes on the Northwest
If there's one thing that can really make LA look like a smoggy pit, it's 10 days in the Pacific Northwest. The family and I just got back from vacation. We spent the first five days with my dad in northern Idaho to celebrate my dad's 70th birthday … [Continue reading] about Notes on the Northwest
A Little Older, A Little Wider
It's been almost a year since I took this full-time writing gig and I have to say, my ass is getting bigger. I mean it, my pants are all much tighter than they used to be. Last August, while I was moaning and crying about finding enough freelance … [Continue reading] about A Little Older, A Little Wider
Concerned Parent or Low-Life Hacker?
A computer geek friend of mine has a daughter who just turned ten. She asked if she could have her own email account, so he help her set one up, and then, without telling her, he adjusted the settings so that he would be bcc'd on every email she … [Continue reading] about Concerned Parent or Low-Life Hacker?
Digital Notecards
When it comes to tools for writers, there's a fine line between increased productivity and total waste of time. There are all kinds of programs that exist to help us map ideas, structure outlines, even format our manuscripts for publication, but … [Continue reading] about Digital Notecards