I'm back! For those of you who have been following along, you know that I took some time away from my regular blog and freelance writing last month to finish up a draft of novel two and take a five-day trip to Lake Tahoe to do some research for novel … [Continue reading] about An Epic Research Adventure at Western States
Prioritizing My Writing
A few weeks ago, I emailed one of my co-workers at A Very Important Meeting and got an auto-response that read: Hello! After a very challenging and very busy 14 months of #ZoomLife, I'm finally focusing on my writing! Thank you … [Continue reading] about Prioritizing My Writing
Historical Fiction and Story Structure
My new novel (which is - fingers crossed- nearly done) is an epic love story set in set in California, starting in the early 1800s and working its way up to modern day. I decided when I started that I would tell it in parts, dropping in on my … [Continue reading] about Historical Fiction and Story Structure
Out Of the Clouds
I recently had the pleasure of joining Anne Muhlethaler on her podcast Out Of The Clouds where she discusses work at the crossroads of mindfulness and business. For this week's post, I thought I might share a small excerpt talking about how I got … [Continue reading] about Out Of the Clouds
You Inner Critic’s BFF: Doubt
A few weeks ago, I wrote about how meditation can help us to deal with our inner critic. You can read that piece here, but in short, the idea was that we can train ourselves to recognize that hyper-critical little voice that pipes up when we're … [Continue reading] about You Inner Critic’s BFF: Doubt
Superb Meteors and Sleepy Planets
Recently, while my son was on his spring break, we took a little road trip, just the two of us, up to Northern California. He was curious to see Jack London's Wolf House after it played a role in one of the Percy Jackson novels he's been … [Continue reading] about Superb Meteors and Sleepy Planets
Honing Artistic Discernment
When one is working to build a career as a creative professional, be it as a writer, painter, or drummer, one of the most important skills to develop is discernment - the ability to judge well. It's not enough to say something isn't working. We have … [Continue reading] about Honing Artistic Discernment