So here it is, my whole novel, laid out scene by scene. Don’t bother trying to enlarge the image to steal all my fabulous, mind-blowing ideas. Even if we lived […]
Goals, past and present.
I’m 3.5 in 4 for 2012. Not too shabby.
Writing: Better Than The End Of The World
Okay, I will admit to kind of, sort of, maybe just a little bit being disappointed by the lack of apocalypse on Friday.
This 5 a.m. Thing Is Catching On
I was talking to a dear old friend of mine this last weekend. He was staying at our place while he and Daniel took some time to work on a […]
What My Characters Drive
spent the wee hours this morning figuring out what cars my characters all drive. It seems like a silly thing. I almost felt like I was wasting precious writing time, browsing the internet for images of various cars, but the truth is, these little details matter.
Developing My Platform
Everyone is always saying that you need to get published in literary journals if you want to prove to potential agents/publishers/audiences that you are worth reading. You have to build your platform. This is what they say.
Feeling the Fitness
On Thanksgiving I sat down, after the craziness of the day had passed, and took advantage of a quiet moment to write our family’s holiday card – you know, the letter that will be tucked in with the cute little card of the kids doing fun stuff over the course of 2012 and mailed off to family and friends as a well-intentioned but woefully inadequate way of keeping in touch? I’m sure you’re familiar with the genre.