There’s a scene in “The Incredibles” where the mom calls the dad at work and says “we are are officially moved in,” and he says something like “and the last […]
Live to Work or Work to Live?
“Do you want to live to work, or work to live?” It’s one of those annoying questions stoners ask when their existential angst comes up pressure from their parents to get a j-o-b.
Submitting My Short Story, Again
I knew there were holes in the narrative, but I figured no one else would notice. Rookie mistake.
Don’t Just Do Something Sit There
I was chatting with an old friend the other day and he asked why, in all the time we knew each other back in the day, did I never mention that I was a writer? Truth was, I didn’t know.
Yes! National Student Writing Competition
I am super proud to announce that Yes! Magazine is using an article I wrote for them to act as the prompt for their annual Student Writing Competition.
Beer in the Mojave, Cocktails in Silver Lake
I’m still trying to catch up, but what is a little sleep derivation compared to a wonderful weekend like that?
But Seriously, Put the Manuscript Down
After reading my horoscope at the coffee shop on Sunday, and blogging about how I needed to take a step back from the novel, guess what I did. I decided to work on an excerpt of the novel, because somehow in my brain, that seemed completely removed from the novel. I swear, sometimes, I can be really dense.