It’s the first official Rock Lake Writers Retreat.
What the Kids Are Reading These Days
What do you think blogosphere? Should kids have to read hard books so that they learn how? What is the value in reading hard books? What is the value of reading at all?
Red Shirts
I just finished reading “Red Shirts,” and it was awesome. I laughed out loud. A lot.
Mood: Improved
Okay, okay, I’m getting over myself. Sorry about the last post. In fact, I almost deleted it, but somehow that seems contrary to the spirit of blogging. Embrace the good, […]
If You Don’t Have Anything Good To Say…
I haven’t been blogging. You may have noticed. The truth is, I have nothing to say lately. Or rather, I have nothing good to say. Work has been busting my […]
Getting Published
Last weekend, on the way back from a great camping trip with family and friends, I checked my email (because, you know, it had been three whole days), and found […]
A Friendly Rejection is Still a Rejection
A lovely, hand-written rejection letter, no matter how flattering, is still a rejection letter.