This is the scene that greeted me Friday morning when I arrived at work. At first I glanced in through the wrecked door and saw Daniel’s monitor on his desk, […]
I always pick the wrong technology
Thankfully, I’ve always managed to make the shift to the right technology eventually, but it’s so disheartening every time I realize I’ve done it again.
Not-A-Performace-Review Update
As suspected, it was not a performance review. He did ask what the three worst parts of working for the company have been, but he said it laughing, so I couldn’t tell if he was joking. I was honest, but gentle.
Best Neighbors Ever
My neighbors moved out last weekend. They were the best neighbors ever and I miss them terribly already.
My Upcoming Not-A-Performance-Review
I will admit, this is the first time I’ve had a performance review (aside from a very awkward hour spent in the back room at a Starbucks in San Francisco with a male supervisor who had a crush on Daniel).
Most writers complain about not getting paid enough, but Jean Guerrero (that’s her name) and her fellow investigative journalists win this one hands down.
Updates on Ambitious Goals
I’ve opted for yoga, talk therapy, and wine. It’s nice to know I have the prescription if I need it, but I really think it’s jumping the gun a bit. […]