At the end of last year, I was feeling frustrated by my novel, again. I promised myself that if I could push through to the end of the year, then […]
The Adventures of a Helicopter Pilot
Due to the timing of a number of factors, not the least of which was that damn broken wrist, I completely forgot to tell you all about my dad’s book! […]
Why I Love Instagram
As I mentioned in my last post, my one goal for 2015 is to start actively taking notes about the world around me. As writers, the one thing we must […]
Writing Goals for 2015
I am so excited for 2015, mostly because 2014 sucked – culminating in a broken wrist that had me out of commission for almost a month. Well, out of commission […]
My Broken Wrist
There are not a lot of injuries that can take a writer out of commission. Broken ribs, cracked femurs, severed toes – I’m not saying I want any of these […]
A New Look for My Blog
Lovely readers, it’s been too long. About a year ago, I posted that I was feeling overwhelmed and that something had to go, to make space for my top two […]
Ruthless Me
I had a nightmare the other night that I had shaved my head. It wasn’t the baldness that upset me so much, in fact, in the dream it felt like […]