The best way to improve your own writing is to read the work of others. That may seem like a no-brainer. We all read. But if you only read published work you are missing out on something magical. Reading for a journal is a special kind of education.
Two women with bibles in their hands just knocked on my door.
They kindly asked if I struggled with anxiety, and suggested that I reference my bible Matthew 6:18 for some guidance on how to deal with it. I thanked them (because we all deal with anxiety) and I told them we’re a buddhist household.
6 Tips for Forming a Writing Group
Luckily, Amy knew what she was doing. Or maybe she just had really good instincts. Either way, the group of five women she pulled together was amazing. We met every two weeks for five years. It was a formative experience.
What I Learned at AWP This Year
Here are a few things I learned over the weekend at this year’s AWP…
Talking Story with Charles Johnson
“Where else in life do you get to keep working at something until you get it right?” ~ Charles Johnson
Fiction Submission Spreadsheet
Download this spreadsheet to create a submission plan for your fiction.
My New Writing Desk
That’s right. Two weeks from now I will be writing from my very own home office. I used to have a home office here, but when my mom moved in, mid-2012, it became her room, and then when she moved out, my daughter pushed for it to be her room…