It’s been just over a week since my book launched. I’ve done seven events, including the launch party. I’ve seen old friends and made some new ones…
Label Colors in the Scrivener Binder
The #52WeeksOfScrivener continues with a post about label colors: how to add them and change them so that they work for you.
California Bungalow
The term “California Bungalow” was developed to describe a version Craftsman Style architecture that emerged in Northern California from 1890 to 1920.
Pub Day!
It’s Pub Day! My book is officially published, out in the world, a thing people can buy and read and hold in their hands.
Scrivener Front Matter
short, your Front Matter includes the pages in your book that come before the story actually starts. Scrivener gives you a lot of flexibility with it.
Barbary Coast Trail Markers
These days the Barbary Coast is tourist central, complete with a self-guided walking tour, marked by 180 bronze medallions in the sidewalks of the city.
T-5 Days To Book Launch
With my book launch in 5 days, I thought I would review everything I’ve done in the lead up to publication, going all the way back to the beginning.