With this manuscript I’m doing something I’ve never done before. I’m starting with characters and seeing what story evolves.
Create an Audio Recording of Your Manuscript for Better Editing
I recently finished a draft of my second novel. I printed it out, and now it’s sitting on my desk just waiting… for what? I’m feeling a little paralyzed. I […]
Elusive Writing Routines
Writing routines can help us be more consistent with getting words on the page, but the circumstances of our lives are always changing…
Best Books of 2021
I read 58 books this year. Of those, nine stand out in my mind as being particularly great reads. Here are my favorite books of 2021.
Last Mile Stuff
Last Mile Stuff: the final steps on any creative project, the work you could ignore if you were happy with “good enough”
A Thanksgiving Poem
This year, the poem I’d like to share with you for the holiday season is “Where’s the Magic,” by Annis Cassells.
5 Things I’ve Learned Doing NaNoWriMo
5 things I’ve learned about trying to write 50,000 words in one month to win the annual NaNoWriMo Challenge.